Perth M Clinic

The M Clinic is a facility that is auspiced and managed by theWA AIDS Counciland is part of the Clinical Services team of the Council.

It is a unique, discrete, confidential peer-based service in Western Australia, providing servicesfor men who have sex with men. This includes people who identify as a man, masculine, and/or who were assigned male at birth, who have sex with other men.

M Clinic service combines integrated health promotion with clinical service provision with the aim of reducing acquisition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other sexually transmissible infections (STI’s) at a population health level.

The clinic provides a full range of STI and HIV testing and also provides vaccination for hepatitis A and B and human papillomavirus (HPV), the main cause of genital warts. It also gives guys a chance to engage with other health and related services that are on offer to them in Perth by carrying out appropriate referrals.


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